50,00 €
Багги для 2-х человек



Теперь ваши дети могут с удовольствием кататься на багги в нашем специально предназначенном для него маршруте в Салоу... эти машины являются вездеходами с объемом 200 куб.см. Это означает, что даже ваши дети смогут сесть за руль...развлечение для всей семьи!!
Взрослый человек также может комфортно расположиться в качестве пассажира Багги. Машины автоматические, и управлять ими очень легко и весело. Они будут доступны даже для тех, кто никогда не садился за руль.
При желании, также предлагается совместить катание на Багги с другими мероприятиями. Например, экскурсии, такие как: виа феррата, каньонинг или курсы дайвинга (для которых не всегда требуется лицензия на дайвинг).Это отличное времяпровождение для летних месяцев.

+ Children's Buggy Tour on our circuit.
+ Supervision by a guide.
+ Duration from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
+ Lots of fun
+ Transfer included with our vehicles. If you want you can also come with your own car.

20-minute ROUND IN TWO-SEAT BUGGY 3:30 p.m./5:30 p.m. depending on availability. (Consult)
(50€ The price is per Buggy. Up to 2 people can go in a Buggy)
We travel through our land circuit..
30' we begin to pick up the participants at the hotels in Salou
- Transfer to our base in Salou
- Material delivery
- Safety instruction
- Start of the tour
- Planned ending at the starting point
- Transfer to the hotel.

Drivers who have not ridden a buggy is not a problem since the first laps we drive at low speed to get used to its handling, the minimum age to drive a buggy on our circuit is 8 years old... accompanied by an adult the first laps for safety until you feel confident going alone, if you wish. The Buggies are automatic, steering requires arm strength and chest and back muscles, so the child must not have any physical or mental impediment that could prohibit driving.
Drivers must be at least 1.20 meters tall, 8 years old. The seat belt is mandatory! Any extreme driving is prohibited.

Что взять с собой
- appropriate clothing according to the weather

The vehicle cannot be used to organize a competition or to reach higher speeds. The user guarantees to follow the instructions of those responsible for the excursion both before and during the trip, to refrain from any disproportionate or dangerous behavior and to avoid any danger to others and themselves. The user also guarantees to comply with an absolute prohibition of not overtaking during the tour, of driving only in the formation indicated by the guide, a safety distance of at least 6 meters between the Quad or Buggy in front, driving in the specified lane by the guide, go around obstacles, go around puddles or other shallows if possible, respect traffic rules at your own risk.
In case of violation, the driver may be excluded without claiming a refund.

- Hotel in which you are staying in Salou or contact to specify a meeting point.
- Address of the apartment or house, name and number of the street where they are housed.
- Or you can come directly to our base, we have a large free parking lot, at the following address;

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